Greetings from the North Oregon Coast Symphony!
NOCS is a non-profit ensemble, under the direction of conductor Cory Pederson, that brings together musicians from the north Oregon and south Washington coast to keep classical music alive and affordable for local audiences.
We have new energy, momentum, and exciting plans. Our musician base is steadily expanding, and our new rehearsal venue in the old Seaside middle school is attracting more players. In fact, after many years using “The North Coast Chamber Orchestra” to describe our performing ensemble, we are now able to re-claim our North Oregon Coast Symphony title. This progress would not have been possible without your ongoing support — thank you! We're looking forward to our 2024-2025 concerts, and we hope you are, too.
Musical Storytime
The North Oregon Coast Symphony, Tillamook County Library, and Astoria Public Library have partnered to bring live music and hands-on instrument experiences to local preschool children through stories. The next events will be Monday, April 7th at 10 AM at the Manzanita Library, and Thursday, April 10th at 10 AM in in the McTavish Room at the Liberty Theater in Astoria. These events will feature live wind accompaniment by NOCS musician, Laurie Swanson. Our story this month is “Do Like a Duck Does,” by Judy Hindley and Ivan Bates. In this story a mother duck is on a walk with her ducklings when suddenly a large, furry, brown duck joins the group. Drama, rhythm, and sunny images in this book make it a favorite with young children. After the reading, children will be able to play some simple wind instruments.
These events are free and open to children aged 3-5 and their adults.

Overture to Rienzi
by Wagner | NOCS
Over The Rainbow
arranged by Dave Drury | Dave Drury
Flute Concerto No. 2 in G Minor op. 10, RV 439 “La Notte”
by Vivaldi | NOCS

Support the Musical Arts on the Oregon Coast!
Your tax-deductible contribution today will help the North Oregon Coast Symphony fulfill its mission to play exceptional classical music performances, support our talented artists and musicians, and provide musical education scholarships in our community.
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